The Journal of Biourbanism (JBU) is a biannual peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, international online journal. The journal takes an incisive look into the bios/life of urbanism through perspectives in architecture, planning, environmental studies, and other social sciences. The journal aims to critically review and define the notions of biourbanism. Assessing human-centered or need- based design sensibilities is a predominant concern, while attempting to address the disconnect between theory and practice in participating disciplines. The journal publishes cutting-edge research, methodologies, and innovative design approaches on biourbanism.
Architecture; Architectural Design; Architectural History; Arts; Bioeconomy; Biophilic Design; Built Environment; Complexity; Human Well-being; Morphogenetic Design; Peer to Peer Urbanism; Planning; Smart Cities and Information Communication Technology; Sociology and Socio-geometry in the Urban Environment; Theory of Architecture; Urban Design; Urbanism, and Urban Policy.
The Journal of Biourbanism is the official journal of the International Society of Biourbanism.