- Honorary President: Nikos A. Salingaros – [ e-mail]
- President: Antonio Caperna – [ e-mail ]
- Vice President: Marco Casagrande – [ e-mail ]
- General Secretary & Research Director: Stefano Serafini – [ e-mail ]
- dr.ir. C.H. (Kees) Doevendans, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
- Layla McCay, Georgetown University, USA
- Michael Batty, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), University College London, UK
- Bin Jiang, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Division of GIScience, University of Gävle, Sweden
- Michel Bauwens, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
- Adrian Bejan, Duke University, USA
- Mariano Bizzarri, La Sapienza University, Italy
- Harald Bodenschatz, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany
- Alessandro Busà, Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technische Universitäten Berlin, Germany
- Jaap Dawson, Technical University of Delft, Netherlands
- Carlos Gershenson, University of Mexico, Mexico
- Alessandro Giangrande, University Roma Tre, Italy
- Svetlana K. Gural, Tomsk State University, Russia
- Besim S. Hakim, American Institute of Certified Planners, USA
- Sergey N. Kharlamov, Tomsk Polytechnic, Russia
- Robert J. Koester, Center for Energy Research, Ball State University, USA
- Sylvie R. Lorente, Duke University’s Pratt School of Engineering, USA
- Leonardo Marotta, Istituto Universitario Architettura Venezia (IUAV), Italy
- Michael W. Mehaffy, Centre for Environmental Structure, Europe
- Elena Mortola, University Roma Tre, Italy
- Achille Paolone, La Sapienza University, Italy
- Juval Portugali, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel
- Silvia Rapicetta, Independent Researcher, Italy
- Yodan Rofé, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
- Ashraf M. Salama, Qatar University, Qatar
- Giuseppe Sermonti, University of Perugia, Italy
- Fabrizio Vescovo, La Sapienza University, Italy
- Khaldoun Zreik, University Paris 8, France
- Luca D’Acci, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil & The Spatial Intelligence unit (SPIN), Estonia