Category Archives: Biophilic Design

Towards a Biological Understanding of Architecture and Urbanism: Lessons from Steven Pinker

Towards a Biological Understanding of Architecture and Urbanism: Lessons from Steven Pinker by Nikos Salingaros Architecture is indeed linked to biology. This observation is intuitively true from a structural perspective, since human beings perceive a kinship between the different processes — natural and artificial — that generate form. Nevertheless, the broadness of the claim might appear surprising, considering that it comes from architects holding radically different ideas […] read more

Introduction to “Pattern Language”

Introduction to “Pattern Language” Using the work of Christopher Alexander and Nikos Salingaros, I present a paper that want discuss the philosophical structure that are behind The Pattern Language (PL). Through a simple way I’ll show you the intimate connection existing among the PL and other cultural aspect like painting as well as the fractal geometry. I have referred my philosophical approach especially to the work of Oswald Spengler and his work “Der Untergang des Abendlandes” read more

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