Tag Archives: architecture

The Biophilic Healing Index Predicts Effects of the Built Environment on Our Wellbeing

The Biophilic Healing Index Predicts Effects of the Built Environment on Our Wellbeing by Nikos A. Salingaros Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at San Antonio, United States of America *Originally published in the Journal of Biourbanism, 8(1/2019), 13–34 ABSTRACT: By estimating certain features of the built environment, we can predict positive healing effects that spaces and structures may have on users. This can be estimated before something is built. […] read more

5th INTBAU International Annual Event: Milan 5/6 July 2017

5th INTBAU International Annual Event:  Milan 5/6 July 2017 The 2017  Milan INTBAU  conference will  investigate  methodologies  of  representation,  communication,  and  valorisation  of  Historic Urban Landscapes. This will include not only cultural heritage, but also placemaking and local identity enhancement. The  conference  will  promote  holistic  and  multidisciplinary  approaches  to  design,  which  are  adapted  to  meet  the  challenges of tomorrow and support the unique heritage, […] read more

Towards a Biological Understanding of Architecture and Urbanism: Lessons from Steven Pinker

Towards a Biological Understanding of Architecture and Urbanism: Lessons from Steven Pinker by Nikos Salingaros Architecture is indeed linked to biology. This observation is intuitively true from a structural perspective, since human beings perceive a kinship between the different processes — natural and artificial — that generate form. Nevertheless, the broadness of the claim might appear surprising, considering that it comes from architects holding radically different ideas […] read more

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