Yearly Archives: 2013

Complexity & Biourbanism: Thermodynamical Architectural & Urban Models Integrated in Modern Geographic Mapping

Complexity & Biourbanism: Thermodynamical Architectural & Urban Models Integrated in Modern Geographic Mapping by Antonio Caperna and Eleni Tracada Vital elements in urban fabric have been often suppressed for reasons of ‘style’. Recent theories, such as Biourbanism, suggest that cities risk becoming unstable and deprived of healthy social interactions. Our paper aims at exploring the reasons for which, fractal cities, which have being conceived as symmetries and patterns, […] read more

European Prize for Architecture to Marco Casagrande (Finland, Taiwan, Italy)

European Prize for Architecture to Marco Casagrande (Finland, Taiwan, Italy) Marco Casagrande has been awarded the 2013 European Prize for Architecture. Finnish, Italian roots, 42, Marco is an original architect and environmental artist, urban philosopher, architectural theorist, writer, and professor of architecture. Principal at Casagrande Laboratory in Helsinki, Finland, at WEAK!, together with Hsieh Ying-Chun and Roan Ching-Yueh in Taipei, Taiwan, and founder of the […] read more