with Arch. Nur Saad
al-ʿĪsawiyya, cut off from the other Palestinian neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, suffers from spatial barriers due to topography and military presence. Architect Nur Saad has explored how the al-ʿĪsawiyya inhabitants have developed creative solutions to cope with this situation. This study, directed by Prof. Gaby Schwartz, Arch. Fatina Abreek-Zubiedat, and Arch. Ronnen Ben Arie (Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning), has led her to find an hypothesis of functional community architecture.

al-ʿĪsawiyya, Jerusalem, Drawing by Arch. Nur Saad
April 24, 2021 at 6:00–7:00 PM CET
Introduction by Arch. Marco Casagrande (ISB Vice President, founder of Casagrande Laboratory)
Discussion with Arch. Matthew Bissen (urban geographer, University of Washington, Seattle), Arch. Damiano Cerrone (consultant at Demos Helsinki and co-founder of SPIN Unit, Helsinki), Robert Neuwirth (author of Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters, A New Urban World, New York City), and Yeter Tan (sociologist, Göç İzleme Derneği (Migration Monitoring Association), Istanbul)
View the full lecture here.