The ISB Fundraising Unit is looking for partners such as universities and SMEs operating in the restoration sector and related social issues for the European Call:
H2020 SC5-07-2015: More Effective Ecosystem Restoration in the EU
Scope: Proposals should develop for conceptually coherent ecosystem types tools, approaches, methodologies and methods to assess and predict the effectiveness relative to their stated objectives – including both cost-effectiveness and benefits in relation to biodiversity and ecosystem services – of environmental restoration measures. Proposals should use pilot projects or case studies, including a demonstration phase.
Expected Impacts: improved design of restoration/rehabilitation measures and incentives; more effective integration of the ‘restoration agenda’ into the delivery of major policy objectives related to growth, job creation, urban and rural development, resilience to climate change, conservation and enhancement of natural capital; innovative policy mechanisms that can facilitate restoration; contribution to advances in green infrastructure; contribution to the objectives of the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy and the EU Water Framework Directive; better assessment of potential benefits of establishing restoration site networks allowing for long-term observations and sharing of experiences for different types of ecosystems and pressures.
Budget: 5 – 7 million euros;
Type of action: Research and Innovation Action (100% funded);
Deadline: 21/04/2015 (1st stage) and 08/09/2015 (2nd stage);
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