JBU: Call for Papers

Open call for papers
With the impulse of the International Society of Biourbanism (ISB), since 2011, the Journal of Biourbanism (JBU) has defined itself as one of the emerging peer-reviewed online international academic journals. Published twice a year, the JBU is active in fields related to architecture, design urban planning, the built environment and social studies. The JBU aims to bring together different disciplines. Focusing on the upcoming challenges for mankind, JBU believes that the new forms of togetherness will rise by a blur of the borders between disciplines. This ‘’anti-specialist’’ vision tends to learn from the past, to prospect with the enthusiasm of modernist utopias by keeping a skeptical post-modernist view on the future. This interdisciplinary approach questions and challenges the problematic of ‘’space’’ as culturally shared, abstract and concrete territory. The JBU seeks to connect and to feed research fields that have been separated by our traditionalist vision. This attitude defines the JBU as a unique research platform scanning the interstices between disciplines, where ideas can link mathematics to architecture, biology to urban planning, chemistry to social sciences, psychology to design by focusing on the human aspects of urban and rural studies. JBU invites researchers to blur limits and get rid of the dichotomy between urban and rural, modernist and vernacular or public and private to reconcile the contemporary hyperspace with the real.


Starting January 2015, JBU’s new editorial team seeks to pursue its mission with a strongly curated approach for the future editions. In this frame, JBU is looking for submissions from academics in various fields on the thematic of ‘’Designing for communities’’.

This topic is open to all sciences, social sciences and arts questioning the sense of ‘’community’’ from its organizational mathematics to its psychological consequences. The editorial methodology will privilege a compilation of papers exploring scientific and prospective approaches to the problematic.

This issue of the JBU will seek to answer how to change the ‘’top-down’’ planning habits, what does it mean to design for and with communities, what are the common meanings in our globalized system.

Learning from other forms of life or other organizational disciplines will be a requirement in contributing to the open debate.

The new design of the JBU, will also seek case study applications and reviews of community involvement where multiple disciplines have been called upon for their relevance in finding a solution both in methodology and outcome. With this approach the JBU will be able to offer a greater overview of research and application across disciplines as a way of working in line with its statement of purpose.

The deadlines for contributions are for the 26th of April 2015 at 10.00pm GMT.
Authors are required to use a template for article.

Download it as Microsoft Word or as LibreOffice format.


Manuscript formatting guide
(For further details of and instructions for how to submit a paper, please download our JBU short Guidelines for Submission).

Articles submitted to JBU should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for publication in any other journal.

The manuscript will be subjected to blind review by up to two referees. Revisions may be required before a decision is made to accept or reject the paper. Please ensure that all accompanying matter (tables, figures, photographs, necessary permissions and contact details) are enclosed as directed in these instructions.

Manuscripts and references must strictly follow APA (American Psychological Association) style.

Consulting the APA style manual (click here) is highly recommended for compiling manuscript submissions.

Manuscripts should be submitted as an email attachment in .doc or .docx format to jbu@biourbanism.org. The main body of the e-mail message should contain the title of the paper and the names and addresses of all authors. Manuscripts must be in English.

A cover page should accompany the manuscript and include all contact information for all manuscript authors (affiliation, postal address, email address, and phone number).


Manuscript Formatting
Abstract. An Abstract must be included in the manuscript and should be between 100-150 words, precisely summarizing the mission and objective of the manuscript.

Keywords: Following the Abstract, a list of 5-10 keywords should be included in the manuscript. These keywords should be common indexing terms.
Keywords should appear in the manuscript or be related to the main thrust of the manuscript.


Manuscript Requirements
All Manuscript Submissions should follow the below requirements:

1. Length: The length of the submitted manuscript should fall between 5,500 to 8,000 words and appear in 12pt, single-spaced text, left-justified.

2. Copy editing and proofreading: Manuscripts should be submitted grammatically and stylistically adequate. It is required that manuscripts be submitted as a copy edited and proofread document, including proper use of the English language, proper grammatical structure, and correct spelling and punctuation.

3. Images: Images are required be submitted separately in .TIF or JPEG format in chronological order as they appear in the manuscript. Text in the manuscript must identify corresponding images to be placed. .TIF or JPEG files must match the text designation in the manuscript. Please ensure that all images submitted for publication are sized exactly as they should appear in print. Additionally, all .TIFF or JPEG files should be saved between a 180-360 dpi setting.
It is your responsibility to obtain written permission to include any copyrighted images (whether they be screenshots [e.g., a screenshot of a page from a company’s Web site, a screenshot of a scene from a video game, etc.], figures, tables, graphics, etc.) in your chapter/article.
After you obtain permission, you are then responsible to indicate in the caption of the image 1) the original source of the image and 2) that it is being used in your chapter/article with permission. Your caption should appear as:
Figure 1. [insert caption here]. (© [insert copyright year here], [insert copyright holder’s name here]. Used with permission.).

4. Endnotes: Endnotes will be placed at the end of the manuscript following the list of references. Footnotes are not accepted.


Download Call for Papers as pdf


Journal of Biourbanism (JBU)
Editor in chief: Sinan Logie
Co-editors: Stefano Serafini & Antonio Caperna
Managing editors: Katherine Donaghy & Menno Cramer